Guided Tours / Public Guided Tours
On tour through Dessau-Rosslau
From the classic city tour to the search after Walter Gropius, we offer diverse opportunities to discover the history of the city of Dessau-Roßlau.
Book your public guided tour directly on site, by phone or via mail and get to know the secrets of Saxony-Anhalt’s third regional center in person for once.
Please note that the public guided tours are held in German.
At a glance: City Tour Downtown / East modern Dessau / Jewish history in Dessau / Night Guards Tour / Ises Golden Twenties / From Woman to Woman / Bike Tour Bauhaus-Junkers-Garden Kingdom / Bauhaus Buildings Bike Tour / Great Garden Kingdom Cycling tours / Small Garden Kingdom Cycling tours / Departure into Modernity / Invisible Bauhaus / On Paul Klee’s footsteps / Historic Employment Office / Federal Environment Office / Tower Guard of St. Mary’s / Once Arcadia and Back / Tour with double decker bus / Town hall tower ascent / Guided tour of the historic cemetery / Silent walking meditation / Christmas European Journey
All year
- Saturday 11.00 a. m.
Additionaly from March to October
- Monday, Wednesday, Friday 5.00 p. m. *
- Easter Monday, 1st of May, Ascension day, Whitmonday, Reformation day 11.00 a. m.
New Year’s Eve 11.00 a. m.
* no Friday tour, when there are special thematic tours at the same time.
per person 10 € / reduced 8 €
approx. 90 minutes
Tourist-Information Dessau, Ratsgasse 11
City tour downtown
Discover the changeful history of the city on a tour. Dessau-Rosslau has a history of eight hundred years, offers four times World Heritage and is a place where the lives of many famous people crossed.
The tour shows how the Bauhaus came to Dessau, what the city has to do with the Basic Law and why some of its children are better known abroad than in their birthplace. The tour brings urban spaces to life and gives contemporary witnesses from a wide variety of epochs a chance to speak, in order to unite the city of Father Franz and Erdmannsdorff, Moses Mendelssohn and Kurt Weill, Max and Wilhelm Müller, Junkers, Gropius, Kandinsky and many others into a picture full of contrasts.
23.05., 25.07., 22.08. 5.00 p. m. each
per person 12 €
approx. 1,5 hours
Tourist-Information Dessau, Ratsgasse 11
East modern Dessau
A city tour of the architectural heritage of the GDR.
Find out how the city was rebuilt on the road to socialism after the large-scale destruction of the Second World War in the conflicting areas of practical constraints, historical heritage, progressive ideas and ideological guidelines.
28.02., 07.03., 14.03. 4.00 p. m. each
per person 12 €
approx. 70 minutes
Tourist-Information Dessau, Ratsgasse 11
Jewish history in Dessau
More than 350 years have passed from the beginnings of the first settlement of Jewish families in the Principality of Anhalt-Dessau to the present day.
Famous personalities worked in this Jewish community and beyond, enriching the cultural and economic life of our city. With the new synagogue in the historic centre of the Jewish community, Dessau will regain an important religious and cultural place in its city history.
Some historical places of Jewish life at the time of Kurt Weill, Moses Mendelssohn, David Fränkel, Baron Moritz von Cohn and Julie Cohn-Oppenheim are still to be traced. The guided tour along these places goes into the life stories of the city’s Jewish personalities.
17.01., 21.02., 21.03., 17.10., 21.11., 19.12.
8.00 p. m. each
18.04., 16.05., 20.06., 18.07., 15.08., 19.09.
9.00 p. m. each
per person 10 €
approx. 80 minutes
Marienkirche (St. Mary’s church), Tower entrance, Schloßstr. 3, 06844 Dessau-Roßlau
Night Guards Tour
Follow one of the poorly paid guardians of order and security on his tour of the city and learn about the part of Dessau’s history that takes place in secret: Assassination and forbidden pleasures, secret love affairs and devilishly strange apparitions.

09.05, 06.06., 01.08., 05.09., 03.10
6.00 p. m. each
per person 12 €
1 hour
Tourist-Information Dessau, Ratsgasse 11
Ise's Golden Twenties
Ise and Walter Gropius have an appointment for a soirée with Mayor Fritz Hesse. But Walter Gropius is not at the appointed place. In search of her husband, Ise Gropius therefore takes the visitors on a journey through nocturnal Dessau in the Golden Twenties.
An exciting guided tour of the city in times gone by.

08.03., 23.08. 2.00 p. m.
30.05. 5.00 p. m.
per person 12 €
1,5 hours
Tourist-Information Dessau, Ratsgasse 11
From woman to woman
History is mostly written by men. This also applies to the history of the city of Dessau. However, numerous women also had an influence on the fate of the city. Princesses, such as Henriette Katharina of Oranien-Nassau, provided important economic impetus as regents and acted as art collectors. Later, middle-class female politicians set female accents in the Anhalt state parliament and continue to do so today, even in federal politics. As financiers, patrons and organisers, women such as Baroness Julie von Cohn-Oppenheim and Ise Gropius made building projects possible that shaped the cityscape of Dessau.
But women also enriched Dessau’s cultural programme as artists and actresses. Even icons such as Marlene Dietrich did not bypass Dessau.
“From woman to woman” takes you to the places where these women worked, recounts their lives and thus lends a feminine touch to the writing of history.
17.05., 21.06., 20.09., 25.10.
10.00 a. m. each
Participation is limited to a maximum of 15 people.
per person 17 € / reduced 14 €
Bike rental is possible
3 hours
Tourist-Information Dessau, Ratsgasse 11
Bike Tour Bauhaus – Junkers – Garden Kingdom
With the plants of the Dessau-Wörlitz Garden Kingdom, Prince Franz of Anhalt-Dessau set a reform program in motion that was the basis for the industrial development of the city of Dessau. This early industrialization attracted both Hugo Junkers and Walter Gropius.
All three were united by their belief in progress. Art and technology were to form a unity. Thus, the tour leads to the places where the pioneers worked and shows the close connection that exists between their work.
03.05., 07.06., 06.09., 04.10.
10.00 a. m. each
Participation is limited to a maximum of 15 people.
per person 17 € / reduced 14 €
Bike rental is possible.
3 hours
Tourist-Information Dessau, Ratsgasse 11
Bauhaus Buildings Cycling Tour
On a guided bike tour you will explore all the Bauhaus buildings in the city area – from the Kornhaus on the Elbe to the Masters’ Houses, the Bauhaus building and the Historic Labour Office to the Törten estate in the south of the city.
During the tour, you will learn many interesting facts about the history of the art academy, about the architecture of the buildings and many an anecdote about the Bauhäusler.
Great Garden Kingdom Tour 1:
14.06., 10.00 a. m.
Great Garden Kingdom Tour 2:
19.07., 10.00 a. m.
Participation in both tours is limited to a maximum of 15 people, the minimum number of participants is 4.
per person 17 € / reduced 14 €
Bike rental is possible
3,5 hours each
Great Garden Kingdom Tour 1:
Great Garden Kingdom Tour 2:
Tourist Information Dessau
Great Garden Kingdom Cycling Tours
On two different tours you will be accompanied by a tour guide through the Dessau-Wörlitz Garden Kingdom.
The Great Garden Kingdom Tour 1 invites you to explore two churches in the Garden Kingdom at once. The tour runs through the zoo to the Pötnitz church in Mildensee, continuing via the Napoleon Tower to Waldersee. Here you will visit the Jonitz church with the burial place of the princely couple. Both churches were remodelled according to the plans of Prince Franz.
The Great Garden Kingdom Tour 2 takes you along the Prince Franz Cycle Path through the marvellous Garden Kingdom. In Vockerode, you will visit a church commissioned by Prince Franz. The tour ends at Rousseau Island in Wörlitz.
The return journey is individual for both tours.
Small Garden Kingdom Tour 1:
30.08., 10.00 a. m.
Small Garden Kingdom Tour 2:
27.09., 10.00 a. m.
Participation in both tours is limited to a maximum of 15 people, the minimum number of participants is 4.
per person 12 € / reduced 9 €
Bike rental is possible.
approx. 2 hours each
Small Garden Kingdom Tour 1:
Small Garden Kingdom Tour 2:
Tourist Information Dessau
Small Garden Kingdom Cycling Tours
There are two different guided cycle tours through the Dessau-Wörlitz Garden Kingdom to choose from:
The Small Garden Kingdom Tour 1 leads you from the Jagdbrücke (hunting bridge) via the Pyramid at the Gänsewall (geese rampart) and the Schillerpark to the Leopold-Dank-Stift, where you can visit the garden and the chapel.
The Small Garden Kingdom Tour 2 leads yo uto the Haideburg hunting lodge. A guided tour of the lodge is foreseen.
The return journey is individual for all tours.

01.06., 21.09. 2.00 p. m.
27.06., 04.07., 29.08. 5.00 p. m. each
per person 12 €
approx. 2 hours
Main entrance of the Bauhaus Building
Gropiusallee 38, 06846 Dessau-Roßlau
Departure into Modernity
The Bauhaus was founded in Weimar in 1919 as the world’s first college of design. In 1925, it moved to Dessau. But why here in particular? We will get to the bottom of this question on this tour.
Get to know the Bauhaus and the Masters’ Houses as the initial buildings of modernism on this city tour. Learn more about Hugo Junkers and the industrialization of the region. Take a walk through the Georgium World Heritage Park and get to know the models of Bauhaus architecture there.
27.09., 28.09. 10.00 a. m. each
04.10., 18.10., 01.11., 15.11. 2.00 p. m. each
Per person 12 € / 8 € reduced
approx. 90 minutes
Tourist-Information Dessau
Ratsgasse 11, 06844 Dessau-Roßlau
City tour Invisible Bauhaus
The Bauhaus building in Dessau is considered an icon of modernism. But which places in Dessau beyond the Bauhaus buildings designed by Walter Gropius can still be associated with the Bauhaus? Where did the Bauhaus members work, live and celebrate in the city?
Our city tour shows you these invisible Bauhaus locations and invites you to discover an unknown side of the Bauhaus.
27.09., 28.09., 11.10., 25.10., 08.11., 22.11.
2.00 p. m. each
Per person 12 € / 8 € reduced
approx. 90 minutes
Master’s houses Klee/Kandinsky
Ebertallee 69-71, 06846 Dessau-Roßlau
Walking on the traces of Paul Klee
The Bauhaus master went for a walk almost every day. Especially in the Georgengarten. For him, going for a walk meant observing the air, the weather, the play of colours in the parks, trees, meadows, lakes and buildings and enjoying their atmosphere, which he then captured in his paintings.
Follow in Paul Klee’s footsteps on this guided walk.

20.02., 20.03. 4.00 p. m. each
per person 10 €
approx. 1 hour
Visitor’s entrance Department of public safety and order
August-Bebel-Platz 16, 06842 Dessau-Roßlau
Guided Tour in the Historic Employment Office
The Historic Employment Office was commissioned by the city of Dessau. It was designed by Walter Gropius, who was director of the Bauhaus in Dessau at the time. The Studio Walter Gropius, which worked very closely with the Bauhaus and Dessau companies, was commissioned with the planning and realisation of the building. The building unites form, functionality and technology of modernism in a very special way.
27.09., 28.09. jeweils 10.00 Uhr
04.10., 18.10., 01.11., 15.11. jeweils 14.00 Uhr
Pro Person 12 € / 8 € ermäßigt
ca. 90 Minuten
Tourist-Information Dessau
Ratsgasse 11, 06844 Dessau-Roßlau
Stadtrundgang Unsichtbares Bauhaus
Das Bauhausgebäude in Dessau gilt als Ikone der Moderne. Doch welche Orte in Dessau jenseits der von Walter Gropius entworfenen Bauhausbauten lassen sich noch mit dem Bauhaus verbinden? Wo wirkten, wo lebten, wo feierten die Bauhäusler in der Stadt?
Unsere Stadtführung zeigt Ihnen diese unsichtbaren Bauhausorte und lädt Sie ein, eine unbekannte Seite des Bauhauses zu entdecken.
31.05., 21.06., 25.10. 2.00 p. m. each
per person 10 € / reduced 8 €
approx. 1 hour
Main entrance of the Federal Environment Agency
Wörlitzer Platz 1, 06844 Dessau-Roßlau
Guided tour of the Federal Environment Agency
When it was completed, it became a landmark: the Federal Environment Agency in Dessau. The architects succeeded in combining state-of-the-art low-energy construction with architecture that is as extraordinary as it is cheerful and light.
The one-hour guided tour explores the ecological model building and questions its ambitious goals. It also explains the location and working methods of the Federal Environment Agency. In an excursus, the prehistory of the area as a historic gas quarter and Hugo Junkers’ first workplace in Dessau is presented.
02.05., 13.06., 11.07., 08.08., 12.09., 10.10.
5.00 p. m. each
per person 12,50 € / reduced 8 €
approx. 2 hours
Tourist-Information Dessau, Ratsgasse 11
The tower guard from St. Mary's church
The tower guard is a talkative woman who misses nothing in the city. Dressed in a historical costume, she guides her guests through the old city center. She tells stories about the old Dessau.
The walk ends with a Dessau beer or an apple spritzer at the “boozer board” of the inn brewery “Zum Alten Dessauer”.
10.05., 14.06., 12.07., 09.08., 13.09.
2.00 p. m. each
per person 10 € / reduced 8 €
approx. 90 minutes
Restaurant Am Georgengarten, Heinz-Röttger-Str. 16, 06846 Dessau-Roßlau
Once Arcadia and back
On an educational trip that took him through Italy, France, Holland and England, Prince Franz of Anhalt-Dessau collected impressions and experiences in the mid-18th century, which he implemented in the modernization of his princedom.
On the walk through the Georgengarten you will recreate this grand tour.
Embedded in the extensive idyllic landscape garden, you will see Greek temples, Roman ruins, Celtic tumuli and Egyptian sphinxes.
From May to October every Saturday at 1.00 p. m. and 3.00 p. m.
per person 18 € / Children until 16 years 15 €
Tickets are available at the Tourist Information Dessau and on site at the bus.
approx. 90 – 100 minutes
Bus stop between the main post office and the Bauhaus Museum
Friedrichstraße – corner Kavalierstraße
06844 Dessau-Roßlau
Tour with double decker bus
From Hobusch, Junkers and Gropius… Dessau in the double-decker bus especially experienced.
But honestly, there is much more to it than the three people mentioned. Learn about Dessau’s history from its beginnings as a residential town, through industrialization to the present day.
In a good 90 minutes we will take you through the city to all the important places that you must have seen.
But don’t worry, it’s not just a dry lecture on dates, various cheerful stories from over 800 years of city history will put a smile on your face.
January – October each Monday at 11.00 a. m.
November – December each Thursday 4.00 p. m.
There is no ascent on public holidays.
per person 4 € / 2 € reduced price
approx. 45 minutes
Tourist Information Dessau
Town Hall Tower Ascent
Not a guided tour as such, but you will be accompanied to the highest building in the city, the 73 m high Rathaus tower.
From there, enjoy the view of the city and the floodplain landscape of the Mulde River.
21.04. 2.00 p. m. each
per person 12 € / reduced 8 €
1,5 hours
Erdmannsdorff Portal of the cemetery
Chaponstraße 6, 06842 Dessau-Roßlau
Guided tour of the historic cemetery
Discover the historic cemetery in Dessau. Which personalities found their final resting place here?
The inscriptions on the gravestones and stones only provide partial information because they are often weathered. Immerse yourself in their work and influence in the 18th and 19th centuries.
26.04. 8.00 a. m. and 6.00 p. m.
60 minutes: 12 €
90 minutes: 15 €
60 minutes in the morning
90 minutes in the evening
Morning: Elbpavillon at the northern end of Georgenallee
Evening: Wineyard castle in Country Garden Großkühnau
Silent walking meditation
Mindful walking helps you to focus on every movement, different sensations and perceptions – and makes walking a special experience. Ute Winkelmann, tour guide in the city of Dessau-Roßlau, invites you to take a meditative walk through the charming landscape of the Beckerbruch.
The guided meditation in the morning in the Beckerbruch as well as short mindfulness stops with suitable affirmations and accompanying sounds will give you a gentle and conscious start to the day; in the evening you will also be accompanied by a guided walking meditation in Kühnauer Park – concluding with a guided meditation in the open vineyard house. In the morning and evening there will be a short general introduction to meditation. This enables everyone (including people without meditation experience) to take part.
28.11., 05.12., 12.12., 19.12.
5.00 p. m. each
per person 12 €
approx. 70 minutes
Restaurant Am Georgengarten, Heinz-Röttger-Str. 16, 06846 Dessau-Roßlau
A Christmas Journey through Europe
Inspired by Prince Franz’s Grand Tour, you will take a walk through the Georgengarten on a journey through Christmas Europe. Franz and his princely tour group were on the road for two and a half years, during which time they visited Italy, France, Holland and England.
After their return, the Dessau-Wörlitz Garden Kingdom was created, in which Prince Franz and his brother Johann Georg recreated their travel impressions in order to offer the common people the possibility of an educational journey through Europe. During a walk through the Garden Kingdom, they were thus able to get to know the buildings, living conditions and customs of other countries.
So you can travel to seven countries in seventy minutes, hear familiar and unfamiliar stories about their Christmas traditions, and learn the origins of many a custom.

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