Bauhaus Festival-Week 2021. Connecting Games
With installations and performances, with dance and music performances as well as a film series, the Bauhaus Festival 2021 thematises art as a cultural and social infrastructure that brings people together in ways that are not commonplace. Art and ceremonial events such as celebrations and festivals create aesthetic occasions, places and atmospheres for a shared experience and extraordinary encounters. In the Corona pandemic, such encounter events were and are hardly possible any more, or only to a very limited extent. Even though the Bauhaus Festival 2021 will also be marked by restrictions resulting from the ongoing Corona crisis, these need not be perceived as such. For, although some performances and presentations can only be attended as part of guided tours (Parcours), such a circumstance promotes concentrated perception and the intensity of the experience. In the Bauhaus building, you are invited to select courses and thus put together your own modular festival programme.
Thus, from 27 August, a festival of artistic encounters will be staged with a wide variety of event and encounter formats in the Bauhaus Museum, in the Bauhaus Building, but also in the Dessau city area with many “connecting games”. It is not only the people of Dessau and their guests who come together. Metaphorical connection games are also created between the strict geometric Appia stage and passionate tango, between music, acrobatics and architecture or between the artistic figures of the “Triadic Ballet” and new Bauhaus cuisine. Finally, associatively and metaphorically, diverse spaces open up for a play of opposites, differences and their possibilities of connection.
Tickets are available in the online ticket shop.
All informations about the program you can find here.