Kabarett Bienenstich makes a guest appearance at Kultursommer 2021!
On Friday, September 17, 2021, at 7:30 p.m., the cabaret Bienenstich will perform with their new program “SCHON SCHÖN” in the Marienkirche as part of the Kultursommer2021 in Dessau-Roßlau.
The program sounds promising and guarantees a humorous evening.
In the advance notice it says: “They just want to play!” What sounds quite harmless here will end bitingly. This is what the cabaret artists from Dessau stand for with their program “SCHON SCHÖN!” in a fresh version. With the cabaret team of Bienenstich it goes with full strength around the pure joy in playing. In the process, the satirists treat themselves to an intense reunion with local Schmäh, federal political madness and all manner of in-betweens. There’s waiting room harmony and pensioner mockery as well as tough social work for the little ones. Malpractice medicine and Bundeswehr tourism, Dessau rap and weapons mania. Bienenstich presents this and musical surprises in a rousing show.
Interested parties can pick up the free tickets for the event on 17.09.2021 from Friday, 20.08.2021, from 10 am at the Tourist Information.
For cabaret fans who are unable to attend on this date, a second event will be offered at St. Mary’s Church on Saturday, 09.10.2021, at 19.30. Tickets for this second date cost 25 euros in advance and are now available at the Tourist Information Dessau and the Tourist Information Roßlau.
Visitors are requested to adhere to the valid distance and hygiene rules of the venue.
The cabaret event on 17.09.2021 in St. Mary’s Church is, like the open-air stage in the Garden Dreams Lounge this year, a project as part of the Kultursommer2021 in Dessau-Roßlau. It is funded by the German Federal Cultural Foundation. Until October 7, 2021, regional artists and cultural practitioners from a wide range of genres will have the opportunity to perform live in front of an audience once or twice a week.